It's all a bit of fun at the start...Facebook, Twitter, gmail chat and so on. The pleasant way of taking a break between chapters or spurts of writing. You rediscover friends and uncover natty bits of interesting but completely useless information. Before you know it, this technology takes over and the writer's block has become a writer's Great Wall of China. The little space of time you've claimed for your writing is taken up by Facebook updates and Google searches. When the baby wakes from her three hour nap, what have you achieved? Absolutely nothing. No sense of achievement, just a big dollop of guilt.
Procrastination is a familiar part of the writer's day to day struggle. And now the technology which can so often assist the writer (who handwrites anything these days?) has become the enemy. What to do? Has any writer out there managed to overcome the lure of Facebook? Turned their back on chat rooms? If you have, let me know. I need some help. It could be time for an intervention!
Bound Words
4 years ago